segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013

"SEEDS" - Poem by Alexandre Gianechini de Araújo


Poem by Alexandre Gianechini de Araújo

This is Tao:
Mastery over yourself
Overcome all ignorance
And limitation

To reach, and to perform
-In yourself-
the Fullness of Being
True immortality

Tao is endless Light
Splendour without limits
Undying peace

Before the day was, Night came
Mysterious, dense and unforgiving
Enigmatic and impenetrable

She's warm and nourishing
Pregnant with the infinite possibilities of Life

The  diaphanous moonlight baths
All the seeds, germs,
sprouts and wheats
And magnetizes them with its invisible force

It is the power that breaks the shells
Might that takes away all masks
The crumbling facades
Whitewashed tombs ...

The seeds lie buried
Hidden and ignored
Far from our eyes
As if dead they were

This time of apparent death is necessary
For the seeds to reborn
With all its strength and vigor
And to express their full potential:
Abundant life

It is here,
On these lakes, marshes and forests
That earth's freshness and moisture
Serves as a cradle to the Seeds of Life
Waiting them to erupt from within the soil-
The womb of Mother Earth

Within the long night of the soul
The creative forces of the psyche are re-

organizing themselves,
Enabling the Sun of the Spirit
To a new and glorious Rebirth.

-Alexandre Gianechini de Araújo
São Paulo, February 26, 2013.

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