segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2012


poema de Adama Konate,
Poeta africano do Mali. Meu amigo.
"A criança cega preta 

está longe da mãe dela.
A pobreza é um fardo
E o mundo, tão vasto
E o mundo, tão pequeno
A vida é uma briga
E os seres humanos são os lutadores
E a vida, que olha, o que acha?
Ó vida, por quê tanta divisão?
Ó vida, por quê cem mil caminhos e uma única ponte?
Ó vida, onde está o verdadeiro caminho que leva a Deus?
Unidade é força.
A aventura não tem necessidade de dignidade
O homem jovem que viveu uma vida diferente,
O homem jovem que cruzou cem aldeias
é igual a um homem velho que viveu cem anos
A pessoa que estiver viva verá muitas coisas
A criança preta africana segue o destino dele no Brasil e no mundo
Ó minha mãe Africana preta, tão longe e tão perto!
Toda mulher preta e branca é como o mar
A mulher boa é de uma família boa.
A aventura é uma nostalgia, feita de tristeza e alegria
Uma vez o tempo, está por trás de tudo

É com o suor do corpo que nós obtemos a água do Bem
Ajuda, que o céu te ajudará!
A mulher boa é de uma família boa.
A boa criança é filho ou filha da boa mulher

Podem vir e destruir a vida dele, mas você começa a construir lá

E, sem dizer uma palavra a qualquer pessoa,
você não se tornará um homem como os outros,
mas um grande homem.
Ó vida boa, que dá um ovo para ter um boi

Nos deixe pôr todas as nossas esperanças em Deus.
Esta criança não vai esquecer o Arsenal do Brasil, jamais!
Obrigado, realmente, Arsenal da Esperança, 

que é o abrigo e a sombra das pessoas pobres.
Lhes agradeço, realmente, a todos os 12 professores, 

que abrem os olhos e os ouvidos dos analfabetos do Arsenal.
Lhe agradeço realmente, mil vezes, Sônia,
que me ajuda a me comunicar com as pessoas
Lhe agradeço realmente Alexandre,
que oferta grátis dicionário e livro aos estudantes
O benfeito não será perdido jamais!
O que será da criança preta amanhã?
A criança negra Africana do Mali
Adama Konate
São Paulo,
outubro 2012.

 Adama Konate e amigo.
 A classe, com a Sra. Sônia Altomar e o Sr. Antenor Rovida, que já participou de inúmeras missões humanitárias no Haiti.
 A classe.
 Régis e Renato tocando as Quatro Estações, de Vivalvi. Todos os instrumentos (sopro, cordas e percussão) são feitos com sucata e material reciclado. Confira fotos de sua oficina em:
 Sr. Gérard Dorisca, 49 anos, aprendendo Português.
Bandeira do Brasil. País onde todos os sonhos são possíveis

POEM: "HOPE". Poet: Adama Konate, the black child from Mali


Poem by Adama Konate (

African poet from Mali. My friend.

"The black blind child

is away from her mother

Poverty is a burden

And the world, so vast
And the world, so small

Life is a fight

And humans beings are the fighters
And life, that is looking, what does it think?

Oh life, why so much division?

Oh life, why one hundred thousand paths and one single bridge?
O life, where is the true path that leads to God?

Unity is Strength

Adventure does not need dignity

The young man who lived a different life,

The young man who crossed a hundred villages
Is the equal of an old man who lived a hundred years.

The one who is alive will see many things...

The black African child follows its destiny in Brazil

and around the world
O my black African mother, so far and so close!

Every woman, black and white, are like the sea

The good woman comes from a good family.

The adventure is a nostalgia, made of sadness and joy

For once, Time is behind everything

It's the sweat of the body that gives us the water of Life.

Help, and then the sky will help you!

The good woman is from a good family.

The good child is the son, or daughter, of a good woman

It something comes and destroys your life, 

Don't worry
We'll begin to build it again,  
Somewhere else.

And so, without saying a word to anyone,

you will not become a man like the others,
but a great man.

Oh good life, that gives an egg to make an ox...

Let us put all of our hopes in God!

This african child will not forget Arsenal da Esperança, in Brazil, never!

Thanks indeed, Arsenal da Esperança,

for providing shade and shelter to the poor.

Thank you, really, to all teachers, 

for opening the eyes and ears of the illiterate.

I Really thank you, a thousand times, dear Sonia,
for helping me communicate with people.

I Really thank you, Alexandre,
for offering dictionaries and books to the students.

These good deeds will never be lost!

What would it be of the black child tomorrow?


The African black child from Mali
Adama Konate
São Paulo,
October 2012.

 Adama at his friend's house.
 Mrs. Sônia teaching for Adama and 2 other students.
 The class, with Mrs. Sônia Altomar and Mr. Antenor Rovida, who went on humanitarian mission on Haiti many times. Each time he goes to Haiti, he stays there for at least, 4 months.
 Régis and Renato playing Vivaldi for the class. Intruments are all made by them, with recycled material.
Check it out at:
 The class.
 Gerard Dorisca, 49 years old, learning to read in Portuguese.
Brazilian flag. Brazil: Land where all dreams are possible.

quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012

Class of december 27 - POEM: "Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau" - Jacques Prévert

Class of December 27.

The theme of our class was Jacques Prévert's poem, entitled "Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau", with translation of Professor Silviano Santiago. The poem, translated to Portuguese, was presented side by side with its original in French. First, we talked a bit on the poet Jacques Prévert (1900-1977). His life, work and verve. His libertarian, critical and oppositional views. His avant-garde work, and his positions in favor of Peace and against any kind of war.


Then we read the poem in French, a few times. We discussed the symbolism of the poem. What could it mean the bird's cage, the picture, the frame. The surrealistic tone of the poem... It almost makes us believe that it is possible to attract a bird inside a painting. How art captures life. How art tries to imitate life. The poem discusses these relationships between real life and representation. The bird of the poem could be a dream, an aspiration, an ideal. It could be all that is beautiful and sublime to us. Love. Hope. The bird is us, you and me. The bird it’s them, our Haitian and African students, who have come from afar, leaving their families to start a new life in Brazil.

Pedagogy - Method.
Once we discussed the message of the poem and its multiple meanings, I read the poem in Portuguese, in loud and clear voice, so that students could listen to the exact pronunciation of the words. Then I read the poem 2 more times.

I asked students to numerate all the lines of the poem, to make it easier to find the same phrases in both languages. Every line and every word of the poem in Portuguese, had his correspondence in the original French poem.

Then it was the turn of the students to read the poem, one by one. There were 14 students in the class. At the end, everyone improved its pronunciation of Portuguese, learned new words and expanded their vocabulary.

It was a very enjoyable class. The students really liked the poem, and thanked the class.