quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

BRAZIL: THE GIANT HAS AWEKENED - "Perfection" - Lyrics & Song by: Renato Russo & Legião Urbana (1993).

"Perfection" - Lyrics & Song by: 

Renato Russo & Legião Urbana (1993).

Let's celebrate
Human stupidity
The stupidity of all nations
My country and his gang
Of killers
Cowards, rapists
And thieves ...

Let's celebrate
The stupidity of people
Of our police and television
Let's celebrate our government
And our state, that it's not a Nation ...

Let's Celebrate youth without schools
The dead children
Let's Celebrate our disunity ...

Let's celebrate Eros and Thanatos
Persephone and Hades
Let's celebrate our sorrow
Let's celebrate our vanity ...

Let's celebrate like idiots
Every Carnaval and holiday
All the deaths in our highways
The dead from lack
Of Hospitals ...

Let's celebrate our lack of Justice
Our Greed and our defamation
Let's celebrate our prejudices
The vote of the illiterate
Celebrate the putrid water
And all taxes
Forests Burned, our lies
And kidnapping ...

Our castle
Of Marked cards
Slave labor
Our small universe...
All the hypocrisy
And all affectation
All the robbery and indifference
Let's celebrate epidemics
It's the party of champion team...

Let's celebrate hunger
Those who doesn't have someone to Listen to
Those who doesn't have someone to Love
Let's feed what is evil
Let's hurt a pure heart ...

Let's celebrate our flag
Our past
Of glorious absurdities, slavery, corruption
Everything that is free and ugly
All that is normal

Let's sing together
The national anthem
The tears are real
Let's celebrate our longing
Celebrate our loneliness ...

Let's celebrate Envy
The misunderstanding
Let's party violence
And forget our old people
Who worked honestly
All their lifetime
And now they don't have a
Right to anything ...

Let's celebrate the aberration
Of our complete lack
Of Commonsense
Our disregard for EDUCATION
Let's celebrate the horror
Of all this
With a party, a funeral and a coffin
It's all dead and buried now
Since we can also conclude with
The stupidity of those who sang
This song ...

Come on!
My heart's in a hurry
When hope is dispersed
Only the truth sets me free
Enough of evil and delusion
Come on!
Love always has the door open
And spring is coming
Our future resumes
Come on!
'Cause What comes is Perfection! 

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